Mr. Eric's Math Tutoring
"Brevard's Math Tutor" A Private Math Tutoring Service
​ To set up an appointment call:
321 345-1275



Mathematics major with an extensive background in mathematics and an exceptional ability to teach AND get the job done! Mr. Eric can solve a large range of math problems from pre-algebra to Calculus to SAT/ACT problems.
Many tutoring centers and private tutors to include "satellite" tutors in offices have tutors with only minimal math courses completed. If the tutor is not knowledgable not only will the student not be challenged but the student may be taught various concepts incorrectly!
DO NOT take a chance with your education or your childs education by going to general tutoring places where anyone with a degree can be asked to tutor math!
All students are treated with respect and are considered "equal" in the learning process. A students ideas and ways of expressing their problem solving strategies are always respected. Mr. Eric knows that when a student is learning a new concept that he or she is expected to make mistakes. Students are not discouraged or put down for making mistakes! Mistakes are part of the learning process which helps the students understand and apply new concepts.
Mr. Eric's MathWorld has an extensive collection of resources from "camera quality" study guide worksheets to a professional math tutorial (IXL) software. Mr. Eric's resources are superior to general tutoring centers and most public and private schools.
Earned a Professional Educators Certificate in Math grades 7 - 12 and has been continuously certified from July 1, 1998 to June 30, 2013.
Mr. Eric promotes a relaxing and professional atmosphere free from DISTRACTIONS from other teachers and students thereby maximizing instruction time. Mr. Eric - FOR ALL YOUR MATH NEEDS!"


Mr. Eric has over 20 years of teaching experience teaching a wide range of mathematical concepts to students at the middle, high school and college levels.
Mr. Eric has been able to successfully teach students possessing a wide range of abililites and preparation and is often times more effective than educators that hold Phd's or EdD's.
Mr. Eric gets results! Whether in grade school or college
Mr. Eric has you covered! Mr. Eric is
Quality math instruction from an experienced expert in the field for LESS THAN HALF the cost of tutoring centers or private/satellite tutors.
Mr. Eric DOES NOT end tutoring sessions abruptly when the hour is finished. Tutoring centers and private tutors hired from numerous "satellite facilities" keep instruction "to the hour", charge high fees and there is no guarantee that the tutor has expertise in the field.
If someone offers a "money back guarantee" that business has NO confidence in their tutors abilities. This is because often times the teacher is teaching out of field. The tutoring center or agency know this and by offering a money back guarantee they "appear" honest to clients. This practice is dishonest in the hopes that the client won't ask for their money back. Mr. Eric provides competent math lessons - period!