Mr. Eric's Math Tutoring
"Brevard's Math Tutor" A Private Math Tutoring Service
​ To set up an appointment call:
321 345-1275


Originally from Philadelphia, after graduating from Northeast High School I made the decision to enlist in the Air Force. During those 4 years, I gained valuable work experience and leadership skills that would help me throughout my life. In addition, I elected to participate in the GI Bill to help pay for future college tuition.
After completing basic training at Lackland AFB and Technical School in Biloxi Mississippi, I received orders for a permanent change of station. On December 2, 1988 I arrived at the Melbourne Regional Airport (now international) where I was stationed for the rest of my enlistment. I was assigned to the 22nd Combat Communications Squadron to provide critical communications to on-site commanders on the field. On August 1990, I deployed to Saudi Arabia in support of Operation Desert Shield/Storm and served in support until 1992.
When my 4-year enlistment was completed I was honorably discharged, and decided to pursue my education. I earned Bachelor of Science degrees from the University of Central Florida in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. In 2004 I went back to school to complete pharmacy and pre-med requirements. After more education, I decided to stick to what I do best! TEACH MATH!
When searching for someone in Brevard County and in Melbourne FL to teach math look no further! Mr Eric is your "go to" guy! Competent, Efficient, Reliable and Reasonable.

Northeast High School
Philadelphia, PA
United States Air Force 1988 -1992 Honorable Discharge
Air ForceGood Conduct Medal
Southwest Asia Service Medal
Air Force Achievement Medal
BSM - Mathematics 1997
BSMed - Mathematics Education 1997
BCC/UCF Post Graduate Studies 2005 (Pharmacy/Pre-Med)

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